Top jock Spencer Moretti owns the New Orleans Rock radio airwaves. A veteran of countless band interviews at the age of 22, she’s ready for her own world-wide syndicated program. All she needs is one big break, and she finds it during a chance meeting with Geoff Lane, former guitarist for the legendary UK band Axis.
When Spencer discovers that Geoff has a secret music project in the works, one that’s sure to reignite his career, she ropes him into an exclusive interview, determined to snag the juicy details. Intrigued by the lovely disc jockey’s feisty nature and her spitfire temper, Geoff is determined to snag something too - Spencer!
Spencer and Geoff make sweet music together until death strikes their circle of friends. As the body count mounts, it’s clear that someone will go to any lengths to stop them cold. Can they keep a killer from destroying all they have, or will their love song become a murder ballad?

Its 1982 in New Orleans and top jock Spencer Moretti is the DJ at the young age of 22 with big dreams and the ability to fulfill those dreams. Spencer comes across as older and wiser than her years. She is smart and savvy and its easy to see that she will go places as she ages.
Geoff Lane is the former guitarist for the legendary UK band Axix is in New Orleans to attend a party. He is working with a friend with the hopes of reigniting his music career. However, he comes across Spencer and falls for the spitfire.
The chemistry between Geoff and Spencer is blistering hot. The sex scenes were hot and spicy. I loved that the more time they spend together the more they cared for the other. I also loved that Spencer could separate work from her personal life and still interview Geoff for her show. That takes a strong person to be able to do that.
I found this book to be well written. The main and secondary characters were interesting and realistic. I just wish the mystery of who is killing off Geoff and Spencer’s friends took up a bit more of the story than it did. Overall, this was a great story. I will be reading more by this author in the future.

Juli Page Morgan is a former rock ‘n roll radio announcer who had the great luck to meet and interview lots of bands over the years. During those interviews she heard some interesting stories, but it was when the microphone was turned off and they were just hanging out that she heard - and saw - the really juicy stuff! Incorporating these revelations in her books (with names and locations changed to protect the innocent, and often the not-so-innocent!) lets her take her readers on a hard rocking journey full of love, music and happy endings while giving a “backstage peek” at some of the things that really happened. Her Romances that Rock™ include Crimson and Clover, Athena’s Daughter, and Song Without Words.
Juli lives in Arkansas with her husband. When she’s not writing, she’s recording voiceovers for television commercials, remodeling her old house, and trying to convince her husband the world won’t come to an end if the television is turned off. She also listens to a lot of music at maximum volume and has never met a speed limit she didn't exceed. Juli’s an unapologetic lover of rock ‘n roll, Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, and French onion dip, not necessarily in that order.

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What a great blurb, Juli, the book sounds like it has all the elements to keep a reader hooked! and Congratulations on a lovely review.