Dylan Fisher is an EMT and part-time Santa Claus at a mall in Denver, Colorado. He has logged plenty of time with children sitting on his lap asking for anything from the latest electronic gadget to a week’s worth of homework passes, but he never heard anyone ask for what little Delaney Kelly asked for on one snowy night in December. A dad! When Dylan’s eyes search the crowd for Delaney’s mother and land on Keira Kelly, the paramedic almost finds himself in need of a little CPR. She is stunning!
Keira Kelly is still grieving over the loss of her husband, but a reckless driver has her thinking about nothing but survival as she’s headed home from the mall. When Keira wakes in the hospital to find a hunky EMT at her bedside, she begins having a few thoughts that would put her on Santa’s Naughty List for sure! But when she finds out the EMT is only hanging around because the police believe someone is out to get her, she’s not sure what to think about his kindness. Is he helping her because he wants to, or because he feels he needs to? And what about the man who rammed her car, could he have had something to do with her husband’s death?
This exciting story literally began with a bang!
I was captivated from beginning to end with this enchanting tale of how love always seems to find its way back to you. The characters were darling, the suspense was nail-biting, and there was just enough spice to make me blush!
Dylan and Keira are kindred spirits brought together by a precious little girl with a special wish for Christmas, and an unfortunate turn of events. My heart ached for Keira as she fought to move on, and for Dylan as he worked so hard to convince her of his good intentions. The more I read, the more I loved it!
There’s a dark figure that haunts this beautiful love and jeopardizes their future. This twist completes the novel, making it a well-rounded story, worthy of praise!
I was once a single mother and I was impressed with the manner in which the author portrayed Keira’s struggle. The internal battles and indecision a single parent goes through when it’s time to live again is delivered expertly. Dylan’s role is also penned with what seems to be an experienced hand. The supporting cast is sparse, but excellent, and the story line is believable. I highly recommend this novel to anyone that loves a good romance, a tender touch of reality, and a suspenseful tale all wrapped in one novel.
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