Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Vampires in America: The Vignettes-Vol 1 by D.B. Reynolds (@DBReynoldsWrite)
I am a huge fan of this series and have already done a few reviews (more are coming!). This volume is a look after the books to catch up on our characters. I don't want to include any spoilers in case you haven't read the actual books.
These short stories include followups to Raphael and Cyn (my faves), Duncan and Emma, and the wedding of Raj and Sarah. I hope that you will include this in your Vampires of America collection!
Rated 4 Bookworms
Friday, December 28, 2012
How to Marry a Duke by Vicky Dreiling (@vickydreiling)
I originally reviewed this book when I started my blog in 2011. My blog fizzled out and I have since revamped and expanded. I decided to review this again and include some fun stuff from Vicky Dreiling.
This is Vicky's debut romance and I was hooked from the get go. Our heroine is Tessa Mansfield who considers herself a spinster and has created her own life as a ton matchmaker. Tristan, Duke of Shelbourne has decided that it is time to set up his nursery and hires Tessa to find him a bride. Humor commences as Tessa creates a courtship between the Duke and twenty-four of London's most eligible debutantes. I find it hysterical that Tessa creates a "game show" style process to find the next Duchess of Shelbourne. I love the friendship and chemistry that develops between the characters. I have read all of Vicky's books and this is one that is on my permanent keep list.
Now on to some fun stuff! Vicky Dreiling posted the following on her Facebook page and I thought it was so funny, I wanted to include it here! I contacted her and she agreed to let me post it on my blog. As a struggling author, I found it to be a lighthearted gaggle of laughs! Enjoy.
Vicky Dreiling’s How to Survive and Thrive List for Debut Authors
How to Celebrate your First Sale
- Squee in your agent’s ear. Apologize profusely afterward.
- Call your friends and insist on meeting up at your favorite Mexican food restaurant for celebratory Chambord swirl margaritas.
- Spend part of your first advance check on something special-you earned it!
- Eat lots of chocolate. It is one of the basic food groups for writers.
How to Prepare your First Revision Letter
- Buy post-it notes in many colors. They are your friends and make the printed pages look pretty.
- You will need the printed version because page numbers will change as you revise.
- Stock up on your caffeinated beverage of choice.
- Memorize the phone numbers and/or website addresses of Pizza Hut, the local Chinese delivery service and Chili’s to go,
- Eat lots of chocolate. It is one of the basic food groups of authors.
How to be a Glamorous Almost Published Author
- Make an appointment with a photographer for your author photo.
- Try on several outfits and decide you deserve a new one for the photo.
- Smear mascara under your eyes. You’re out of practice putting on makeup since you became a recluse.
- Ask the photographer if he can work miracles with Photo Shop.
- Eat lots of chocolate. It is one of the basic food groups for authors.
How to Write your First Dedication and Acknowledgements
- Sniff a little as you dedicate your book to someone special who helped you make your dream come true.
- Thank your wonderful editor whose insights made your book so much better.
- Thank your Uber Talented agent who knew exactly how to sell your book.
- Sniff a little as you thank all your fabulous writing friends and family members who encouraged you along the journey.
- Eat lots of chocolate. It is one of the basic food groups for authors.
How to Stay Sane as You Realize You Didn’t Prepare Enough
- Call your published friends and beg them to tell you what works for publicity. Friends will tell you nobody knows. Don’t freak out. And don’t overspend (Hah!).
- Get a professional website. Don’t skimp as this is your window shop to the world.
- Social media is not an option. Embrace it. You’ll make friends and gain name awareness.
- Admire your Advance Reader Copies. Keep one and give the others away on blog tour.
- Eat lots of chocolate. It is one of the basic food groups for authors.
Reprinted with permission of Vicky Dreiling.
Rated 5 Bookworms
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake series) by Kerrelyn Sparks (@KerrelynSparks, @avonbooks)
This is the first book in the Love at Stake series. Roman Draganesti is a vampire and a scientific genius. He is responsible for developing synthetic blood. With its creation, he has been able to save millions of lives and develop bagged blood for vampires. When one of his scientists creates a "real-life" blood bag made out of a sex doll, Roman thinks they may be onto something. Once he bites into it and loses a fang, he realizes that it is not all it is cracked up to be. What is a vampire supposed to do in the middle of the night with a broken fang? Call a dentist of course!
Shanna Whelan is a dentist in hiding. After having witnessed a Russian Mafia hit that killed her best friend, Shanna was put into witness protection. However, she has a bigger problem to contend with. How is she supposed to continue to be a doctor when the sight of blood causes her to pass out?
Roman shows up at Shanna's 24 hour clinic just in time to save her from another hit and in return she fixes his fang before he has to spend eternity with a deformity. By helping Shanna, Roman falls into a confrontation with his long-time vampire nemesis. Shanna doesn't understand what is going on at first and the feelings that Roman inspires are confusing. Will she be able to overlook the stereotype to find the man that lies inside?
I have read all of the series and enjoy them more everytime I read them!
Rated 4 Bookworms
Thursday, December 27, 2012
To Kill a Warlock (Book 1 of the Dulcie O'Neil Series) by H.P. Mallory (@HPMallory)
Dulcie O'Neil is a hard-working Fairy that wants to write a novel. Working in law enforcement as a Regulator (paranormal cop) Dulcie knows she has to save up so she can stop working to write her novel. I love how this started out as Dulcie being turned into a disgusting slime creature. It showed that she had a sarcastic side to her that resonates with me. Dulcie finds herself in a pickle when a warlock that specialized in the dark arts is killed. Having been the last one to see him alive, throws a kink into her life as a Regulator. When a mysterious stranger shows up and tells her he needs her help to solve some murders, Dulcie is sure that he is involved somehow. Dulcie has trust issues due to a previous relationship and I find it hysterical that she has all these luscious men lusting after her. Bram is by far my favorite, but that could be because I tend to lust after vampires. I hope we have more interaction with him in the rest of the series!
This story brings together creatures that we don't normally see in paranormal books. We have demons, vampires, witches, a loki, gremlins and a hobgoblin. I can't wait to see where H.P. Mallory takes me.
Rated 4 Bookworms
H.P. Mallory,
My posts,
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Shattered (Donna Harp Series) by Karl Jones (@kast1j)
Ok, I will be as honest as I can be. I am not normally a crime novel fan and it is NEVER my first choice when grabbing a book. I decided to give this one a shot simply because I am fan of the novel that Mr. Jones wrote with Michelle Hughes, 10 Nights.
This is a very clever whodunit and I have to admit it intrigued me. It takes place in the sleepy English town of Greenville. Two teens are brutally murdered and the town is furious and confused. Like most places the first person they look at is the one person that was known to have seen one of the victims last. Jason Denton is an author and a former detective. He also just happened to find one of the bodies and it puts him right in the path of law enforcement looking into the case.
This is one of those books that you can not put down. The characters are well written and have a life of their own. I read this late one night and scared myself to death! That DOES not happen so that tells you how awesome this book is. This book is a murder story and very graphic. Love the change of pace from my romance novels and look forward to more Donna Harp.
Rated 5 stars
Raphael by D.B. Reynolds (Vampires in America) @DBReynoldsWrite
It is no secret that I am a fan of vampires and if you can create a series that entangles me, well then I am a fan for life. D.B. Reynolds has created a group of vampires that I am enthralled with. Book one starts with Raphael. Raphael is one of eight vampire lords that rule over the North American continent. Sexy, rich and powerful. Does it get any better? While Raphael is away on business, betrayal is the name of the game when one of his "children" (Alexandra) is kidnapped. Realizing that humans are involved and knowing that they are a weakness that can lead him to the person behind this atrocity, he has his people bring in a human private investigator.
Cynthia Leighton is smart, intuitive and is able to get the job done. Even though she knows about vampires and has done odd jobs for them, the thought of working with the powerful vampire lord is a little unsettling. Digging deeper into the powerful world of Raphael leads her into a love that consumes them both.
I really enjoy this series and have read all of them several times. Cynthia is a very strong heroine and I love that she knows what she wants and goes after it. There are moments when you roll your eyes and want to tell her to suck it up though. :) Raphael's character is written so well, that you can picture him and since the power rippling off the pages. The sex in these books is real. What I mean is they are things that you could actually have happen to you, besides the sucking of the blood.
Don't take my word for it though. Pick this series up and immerse yourself in D.B Reynolds' world of Vampires in America.
Rated 4.5 stars
Sunday, December 23, 2012
NEWS: Burning by J.M. Gregoire FREE on Amazon 12/23, 12/24 and 12/25
Check out this great prequel!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
#Winner! Avon Addict Blog Tour
So the time has come to announce the #winner of my #avonaddict Blog Hop contest! This was my first blog tour and it was so much fun. I am grateful to all of my fellow Addict Sisters and special shout outs to Jena and Amy for all their help.
And the winner is...Janie McGaugh!!
Your package will be heading out next week and I hope you enjoy! I will be doing periodic contests and giveaways in the next few months, so stay tuned. I will also be joining several blog tours so check back on a regular basis!
And the winner is...Janie McGaugh!!
Your package will be heading out next week and I hope you enjoy! I will be doing periodic contests and giveaways in the next few months, so stay tuned. I will also be joining several blog tours so check back on a regular basis!
Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost (@jeaniene_frost, @avonbooks)
Finally a break from all the constant battles, right? Not as much as you would think. For Cat and her new vampire blood-bonded husband Bones, there is never really a vacation. What started out as a trip to Paris turns into a living nightmare, literally, when Cat starts having horrible nightmares. When they arrive in Paris, they are met by Mencheres and it is discovered that Cat is being hunted by the Dreamsnatcher, Gregor.
Gregor claims that he blood-bonded with Cat when she was 16 years old and if that holds true, then it is a death sentence for Bones. Mencheres apparently intervened and locked Gregor away for 12 years, after he stripped a month of time from Cat.
What do you do when you are determined to find out the truth even if it destroys everyone and everything around you? This book was different to me then the first 3 books. It seemed that it was more raw in the emotional areas. I love the friendship that has developed between Vlad and Cat and that she has someone that is there for her, no questions or passions involved. When her relationship with Bones is destroyed, I cried. When she makes her choice, I was wondering what took so long! This story was amazing and had everything I wanted to see in an Urban Fantasy book!
Rated 5 stars
Friday, December 21, 2012
At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost (@jeaniene_frost, @avonbooks
What do you do when your job depends on no one recognizing you but everyone does? Cat has gone through multiple hair colors and looks but she still gets noticed(and not in the good way) when she is out on stings with Bones and the team. Cat is not happy that things are changing the way they are though. When a new advisary from the past makes an appearance, Cat is ready to whip some ass.
Patra is old and revenge is the name of her game. I would have liked to have seen more from Patra in this book. I think she is an interesting character and would have liked more hands on from Mencheres. This was his battle but he seemed to throw it at Bones and Cat.
Enter the world of ancient magic and the power it holds over all races. How far would you be willing to stop the one you love from destroying everything you hold dear?
Rated 4 stars
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas Shopping!
Avon Holiday Sale!
Hello, my darlings! I just wanted to give a heads up that the link at the top of this post is a HUGE sale for books! There are some fabulous authors and some books I haven't seen in awhile. Take advantage of Avon's Christmas spirit and load up your E-readers.
Happy Thursday!
Hello, my darlings! I just wanted to give a heads up that the link at the top of this post is a HUGE sale for books! There are some fabulous authors and some books I haven't seen in awhile. Take advantage of Avon's Christmas spirit and load up your E-readers.
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress) by Jeaniene Frost (@jeaniene_frost, @avonbooks)
This is the second in the Night Huntress story and once I started it I couldn't put it down.
Four years after leaving Bones, Cat is working for an elite branch of the government hunting down vampires. She has grown into a powerful woman, who doesn't take crap from anyone. She is using the skills that Bones taught her to capture or kill vampires. The department that she works for uses the information that she gathers to learn more about this race. I love how well these characters have developed since the first book. When Bones walks back into her life, Cat realizes that she can't live without him and everything else is secondary.
How will her team take the news that she has a vampire lover? Not as well as you would think. :) Throw in an assassin that is hunting down Cat and a jealous team member and Cat has her hands full.
I never thought I would be able to get into Urban Fantasy and I will be the first one to admit that I was wrong. Check out these books and dive into a world full of passion with two characters that explode from the page!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost (@jeaniene_frost, @avonbooks)
OMG! I do not consider myself a book snob and will totally read just about anything that sounds good to me. I was hesitant to read the Night Huntress books simply because I didn't think they would appeal to me. I can thank my friend Jena for setting me straight and introducing me to the world of Jeaniene Frost!
Any book that starts out with a girl driving around with a dead body in the truck and it doesn't faze her, has my attention!
Cat is out to hunt vampires. Plain and simple. Having been the byproduct of a rape against her mother by a vampire, you could say that she has revenge on the mind. Cat is not your ordinary girl though. She is a half-breed and with that status comes some of the same "perks" of being a vampire. Cat finds that the easiest way to hunt vampires is to work the bar scene. Pretending to be drunk, she lures them out and stakes them down. It seems to work for her until she meets a vampire that turns her down flat. Seems strange to her but she moves on to another and succeeds. Returning to the bar the next night she is approached by the vampire that turned her down and thinks she will strike gold twice in a row. She was wrong and winds up chained in a cave.
Bones is an old and very strong vampire who is also a hunter. After he follows the girl that hit on him and watches her stake one of his kind that he happened to be tracking, he follows her home and watches her nonchalantly destroy and bury the other vampire. Knowing that this was his only real lead in a long time to his prey, he knows that she has something to do with the man he is chasing.
When Cat wakes and realizes that she is chained in a basement by a vampire, she knows the end has come. Bones realizes that the girl is just a hunter until he sees the vampiric glow of her eyes. This girl is something rare and different. Bones sees an opportunity to train her and use her as bait to get to the big fish he is trying to reel in. Cat agrees since she is willing to work with a vampire to kill more of them.
You need to check out this series of books and enter the world of Jeaniene Frost. She is able to sink her teeth into you and draw you into her world. Check out Puretextuality's Author Interview with Jeaniene HERE.
While you are at it check out the rest of the amazing blog setup over at Puretextuality. I think you will all find something you will enjoy on the site and make sure you tell them that Romancebookworm sent you!
The Bite Before Christmas by Lynsay Sands and Jeaniene Frost (@Lynsay_Sands, @jeaniene_frost)
This is a two part book. The first story is by Lynsay Sands (Check out more reviews here!) one that I had been waiting on and was stoked that Teddy has his own story! Teddy Brunswick is the police chief of Port Henry, where several immortals have made their home. While not all the folks know about them, quite a few do and Teddy has had his hands full. With Christmas around the bend and no family, he is tired of going to other people's homes for Christmas and take Margurite up on the offer of a cottage for the holiday. Who knew a storm would blow in and take out the power.
Katricia Argeneau has reached the point where a lot of immortals go rogue. Having been alone for more centuries then she can count, she wants to get away. When a series of weather related events leaves her at her cousin Decker's cottage for the holiday, she hopes that it will get better. How much better can it get when you realize that the man you just ran into is the life mate you have been dreaming about for hundreds of years?
Teddy is shocked to discover that he is attracted to the beautiful young woman and is disgusted with himself. Having no intention of being one of those old men that chases younger women, he is hesitant at first with Katricia. When he discovers that they are life mates during a shared dream, his belief in a family of his own is restored.
The second story is a novella from Jeaniene Frost and I have to admit I have not read her stuff. I have read reviews from fellow bloggers and knew that there were a lot of folks that enjoyed her Night Huntress series. I just didn't know if I would. Let me tell you that I really enjoyed this novella. Even though I was a little lost on the characters, I still got a sense of their relationships and nuances and was intrigued.
Cat and Bones are a vampire couple who are completely in love. During a birthday celebration, a former flame of Bones is brutalized and the hunt is on! Discovering a long lost relative is in the cards and then a whirlwind of demonic mishaps. I don't want to go into a lot of detail with this story since I think you NEED to read the Night Huntress books! As my friend Jena would probably tell you, they are a must have in any collection!!
Rated 4 stars
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Tall, Dark & Hungry (Argeneau Novel) by Lynsay Sands (@Lynsay_Sands @avonbooks)
I really enjoyed reading Bastien and Terri's story again. Bastien Argeneau is the go-to guy for the family. Whenever there is a problem or something needs to be taken care of, he is the one that gets called. It has been that way since his father died. He has been extra busy since his brother, Lucern, found his life mate and started planning his wedding. Terri is the bride, Kate's, best friend and cousin and she is flying in from England two weeks early to surprise her and help with the wedding.
Staying in New York is not cheap so her cousin arranges for her to stay at Bastien's penthouse apartment. No sooner does she arrive, then Kate has to leave to fly out to a writer's conference due to an unfortunate incident with a toliet. Throw in a vampire playing Dracula, a curse on wedding plans and a vindictive bee and the laughs just don't stop.
Terri has hangs up on relationships and it was lovely to watch her fall so hard for Bastien. Take the time to meet the Argeneau family. I am sure you will love them as much as I do!
Rated 4 stars
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Immortal Hunter by LynsaySands (@Lynsay_Sands)
Oh my goodness! I can't even begin to tell you guys how much I love the Argeneau family and Lynsay's series involving them.
The Immortal Hunter is the story of Decker Argeneau. All the man wants is a simple vacation and that is thrown out the door when he is asked to assist in catching a rogue vampire. Since that is his job as a Council Enforcer he is willing to assist. What starts off as a simple capture of a rogue turns into much more when the enforcers realize that a family member that turned rogue fifty years earlier is in the area. Attempting to catch Nicholas Argeneau becomes their new target. Nicholas has been watching a nest of rogue vampires and enlists Decker and Justin in his quest to free the two young women they have taken captive.
Dr. Dani McGill has no idea what is with the crazy men that have kidnapped her or her baby sister, Stephanie. She just knows that she has to keep them alive. When gunfire erupts and her sister is forced away by one of the kidnappers, Dani is convinced things have gone from bad to worse. How do you trust a man you know is lying to you even if he takes a bullet for you?
Finding a lifemate when you least expect it is a blessing and it is one that this Argeneau man is going to fight for even if he has to fight the one he loves.
Rated 4.5 stars
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Curves by Design (Big Girls and Bad Boys: A BBW Erotic Romance) By J.S. Scott (@AuthorJSScott)
This is the first book by J.S. Scott that I have read and I will be hunting down more! It was nice to read about a full-figured woman as the main love interest and not your traditional type of woman. Molly knows that she has self-esteem issues thanks to her mom's thoughts on her weight all her life. Devon Richards is a sexy, archetict who thinks Molly is a sensual, beautiful woman and he would love to spend more time with her. He is devestated when he believes that she is dating his little brother. When he finds out that they are not together, he realizes that nothing is going to stand in his way of making Molly his. Their story is a nice case of the full-figure girl getting the hot man in the end.
I was not a fan of the manipulation that he used to get her to go on a date with him. However, I am a full-figured woman and I know how hard headed and stubborn we can get. My husband tells me that he would have probably pulled the same kind of stunt to get me to go out with him!
This is a short story but well worth the read.
Rated 4 stars
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Welcome to the Avon Blog Hop! (@avonbooks,@JQAuthor, @LynsaySands, @EloisaJames)
I wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about for my edition of our blog hop. I have been a fan of romance novels since I was about 11 years old and read my first Harlequin. It wasn't long before I moved into historicals and when I discovered that I was a speed reader, I never looked back!
There are so many amazing authors involved with Avon books and limiting myself to an absolute favorite is nearly impossible to do. I figured I would tell you about 3 of my favorites though.
Eloisa James is one of the world's greatest writers and if you have not read her Duchess books you need to link to Amazon right now and start downloading them! (Click to see some of my reviews for Eloisa) She creates a world that you can immerse yourself in and imagine that you are a member of the ton! I have been a fan since the first time I read Potent Pleasures. A delightful read and one I recommend for everyone's library. I have read every book multiple times and I am even an Ambassador for Eloisa!(Click here to go to Eloisa's website!)
Lynsay Sands should need no introduction but if you are unaware of this creative genuis, then you need to check out the Argeneau Vampires series. (Check out a couple of my reviews here) I read Single White Vampire first and was so hooked that I hunted down the other books. Lucern is a vampire that writes romances. Love it! Fast forward a few years later and I have the complete series and hunger for more. If you like vampires you will love this family as much as I do.(Click here to head to Lynsay's website!)
And last but certainly not least, Julia Quinn. (Click here for a favorite review)I discovered Julia when I read The Duke and I, the first in the Bridgerton series. I was hooked from that point on. I have devoured every book she has written and The Duke and I remains one of my favorite books of all time. There is just something about Daphne and Simon that intrigues me.(Click here to head over to Julia's webpage!)
I hope that you will take a moment and discover these authors and some of their work if you are not already familiar. They are just as incredible as all of the authors at Avon books!

I am giving away a Goodie bag of Avon books! Included are Melody Thomas, Lori Wilde, Stephanie Laurens, Julie Anne Long, Caroline Linden, and Karina Cooper! Enter your information in the form below for your chance to win! Good Luck! Don't forget to check out all of the incredible blogs listed at the bottom of this post and continue your tour of the Avon Blog Hop! Contest is open to US residents only and ends at midnight on December 22, 2012.
[contact-form subject='[Romancebookworm%26#039;s Reviews'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Mailing Address' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]
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There are so many amazing authors involved with Avon books and limiting myself to an absolute favorite is nearly impossible to do. I figured I would tell you about 3 of my favorites though.
Eloisa James is one of the world's greatest writers and if you have not read her Duchess books you need to link to Amazon right now and start downloading them! (Click to see some of my reviews for Eloisa) She creates a world that you can immerse yourself in and imagine that you are a member of the ton! I have been a fan since the first time I read Potent Pleasures. A delightful read and one I recommend for everyone's library. I have read every book multiple times and I am even an Ambassador for Eloisa!(Click here to go to Eloisa's website!)
Lynsay Sands should need no introduction but if you are unaware of this creative genuis, then you need to check out the Argeneau Vampires series. (Check out a couple of my reviews here) I read Single White Vampire first and was so hooked that I hunted down the other books. Lucern is a vampire that writes romances. Love it! Fast forward a few years later and I have the complete series and hunger for more. If you like vampires you will love this family as much as I do.(Click here to head to Lynsay's website!)
And last but certainly not least, Julia Quinn. (Click here for a favorite review)I discovered Julia when I read The Duke and I, the first in the Bridgerton series. I was hooked from that point on. I have devoured every book she has written and The Duke and I remains one of my favorite books of all time. There is just something about Daphne and Simon that intrigues me.(Click here to head over to Julia's webpage!)
I hope that you will take a moment and discover these authors and some of their work if you are not already familiar. They are just as incredible as all of the authors at Avon books!
I am giving away a Goodie bag of Avon books! Included are Melody Thomas, Lori Wilde, Stephanie Laurens, Julie Anne Long, Caroline Linden, and Karina Cooper! Enter your information in the form below for your chance to win! Good Luck! Don't forget to check out all of the incredible blogs listed at the bottom of this post and continue your tour of the Avon Blog Hop! Contest is open to US residents only and ends at midnight on December 22, 2012.
[contact-form subject='[Romancebookworm%26#039;s Reviews'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Mailing Address' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]
[googleapps domain="www" dir="calendar/embed" query="showTitle=0&showNav=0&showDate=0&showPrint=0&showTabs=0&showCalendars=0&showTz=0&mode=AGENDA&height=1000&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23333333&" width="600" height="1000" /]
The Accidental Vampire (An Argeneau Novel) by Lynsay Sands (@LynsaySands, @avonbooks)
Welcome to the world of Port Henry! I am a huge Lynsay Sands fan and am seriously addicted to the Argeneau family. Elvi Black is the quentiessential newbie vamp. Having no idea how she was turned into a vampire on a vacation to Mexico with her best friend, Mabel, she has been trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Having watched the movie, Dracula, and becoming vampire experts, they are convinced they have Elvi's new life figured out. They made arrangements for a coffin, Elvi sleeps during the day and takes the rules of the movie seriously. Fast forward five years and the entire town is working hard to help Elvi. Everyone donates to the local blood bank and they do everything they can for her. In return, Elvi attends all the town functions, bake sales and "performs" as the local town vampire at her restaurant, Bella Black's.
Mabel and Teddy, the town sheriff, have taken it upon themselves to place a personal ad in the Toronto singles columns to find a mate for Elvi. They don't want her to spend eternity alone. According to the laws of vampires, this is a big no-no and they send in Victor Argeneau, a vampire enforcer, to take stock of the rogue(Elvi) and report to the council.
Chaos ensues when several vampires that Victor knows shows up in response to the ad and it becomes obvious that someone is out to end Elvi's immortal life. Between discovering his lifemate and trying to save her from the trouble she keeps running into, Victor has his hands full! I really enjoy the cast of characters in Port Henry and their obvious love and respect for Elvi.
Rate 5 stars
The Rock Star's Daughter (The Treadwill Academy Novels) by Caitlyn Duffy
This is a YA story that I really enjoyed.
Taylor Beauforte is your typical 15 year old for the most part. The difference is she attends a boarding school in Massachusettes paid for by her rock star dad, who she never sees. Growing up in California is never easy but having a party girl for a mom and a rarely seen dad, makes it a necessary to grow up fast. Taylor is your typical bookworm, who justs wants a normal family. With her mom, Dawn's constant drinking and partying it seems like a fairytale she will never see. When her mom dies at a party, Taylor is confronted with her father's new family and lifestyle before she knows what hit her. Forced to join them on her father's tour, she searches for a way to fit in and make a place of her own. Finding a kindred spirit in Jake, the son of one of the groupies, Taylor begins to find her place and fall in love.
I really did enjoy this book. It touched on a few topics that I feel need to be touched on with young readers. This book talked about grief and how the loss of a parent can affect you. It also reflects on how hard it is to develop a relationship with someone that you may be related to but no absolutely nothing about.
Rated 4 stars
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